The Mundo Verde Story

We have come a long way as a school, serving over 700 students since we opened. We look forward to the opening of our second campus for school year 2019-2020 when we’ll have the opportunity to provide even more children the level of quality education they deserve. We did all of this the Mundo Verde Way.

With that in mind, Mundo Verde leadership has taken several actions to elevate staff voice and work collaboratively over the past year because it was the right thing to do.

  1. Developed new platforms, such as the Staff Council.

  2. Extended opportunities for more transparency and input, such as the Staff Charlas, and a meeting dedicated to understand the school budget.

  3. Collaborated to manage challenges - We worked with teachers and staff to find an alternative to increasing health care premiums, keeping costs in control and still well below premiums paid by DCPS teachers and staff.

While the NLRB rules won’t allow us to make promises about the future, what we can say is that we hear the voices of our teachers and staff and that we believe we can build on our success together. That is the Mundo Verde Way