Questions and Answers: Voice and Decision Making

Q. How do teachers and staff currently have a voice at Mundo Verde?

A. At Mundo Verde, teachers and staff have always had direct access to any administrator and a collaborative voice on all issues. We are not a school where the superintendent and administration are far removed from the teacher or school-based staff, we are a school where our leadership lives in our community, walks to school, and where our leaders’ own children are in our classrooms. Mundo Verde currently has an open-door policy.  Time permitting, our leadership staff meet with staff on request. If you have an idea, you can email them directly. Our HR point person is available directly via email and in person. We have structures for teacher and staff voice and we are always looking for ways to improve them. These arrangements could change if AFT represents our teachers and/or staff.

Q. How does autonomy of a charter and Mundo Verde’s current operating structure support our ability to respond to feedback?

A. Mundo Verde’s autonomy helps it act quickly in the best possible way to meet the needs of their students, families and staff. In years past, employees have asked to provide feedback and input or challenges to our structures that resulted in many changes, some instantaneously, other over time. Our collaboration with staff have contributed to improvements and great clarity around:

  • Salary structures

  • Increased salaries

  • Changes to leave policies

  • Changes to master schedule and upper house structures

  • Use of space

  • Parameters for the annual school calendar

Q. How can I learn more about how Mundo Verde includes staff in decisions and responds to feedback?

This document provides an overview of the structures Mundo Verde has in place and decisions that have resulted from staff input.

Mundo Verde as Crew: Staff Engagement, Feedback & Decision Making March 2019 Update