Mundo Verde Staff Ask Questions and Receive Answers

Below are questions Mundo Verde teachers and staff presented in the days leading up to the vote on May 15. The answers below are intended to provide guidance as our staff and teachers prepare to vote.

If the AFT is voted in, will we get more money and better benefits?

  • The AFT cannot guarantee that employees will receive more money and/or benefits during or as a result of the collective bargaining process.

  • If the AFT is voted in, Mundo Verde will recognize the union as your exclusive collective bargaining representative. Upon request, Mundo Verde will sit down with union officials at the bargaining table and bargain in good faith over your pay, your benefits, and your other terms and conditions of employment.

Is it true that under the law Mundo Verde will have to agree to a contract?

  • It is true that Mundo Verde will have to sit down with the union and attempt to negotiate a contract.

  • However, the law specifically says that neither party, is required to agree to any particular demands or proposals made by the other side, and neither party is required to agree to a contract.

  • There is no guarantee that the parties will reach an agreement. It is impossible to estimate how long it will take to negotiate a contract (or two contracts if group A and group B are voted to unionize separately).

  • As a new union, the District of Columbia Alliance of Charter Teachers and Staff (DCACTS - Local 1927), has not yet successfully negotiated a contract. AFT teachers and staff at Caesar Chavez have been working without a contract for two years.

Why does Mundo Verde oppose the union?

Mundo Verde supports the desire of every member of the faculty and staff in seeking information and understanding the facts surrounding unionization as you consider this very important decision. Ultimately, the decision of whether to unionize is in the hands of teachers and staff, and is yours alone. We are strongly encouraging everyone who is eligible to let their voices be heard and to vote in the election on May 15th regarding this decision. This issue is too important not to participate or to leave in someone else’s hands.

Is it true that in bargaining, negotiations start where the employees are and will only go up from there?

This is not true. In bargaining, all of the employees’ present pay, benefits, and working conditions go into the middle of the bargaining table and are subject to the give and take of good-faith bargaining. Employees may get better conditions; the same conditions; or even lose pay and/or benefits as a result of the bargaining. At this time, no one knows what the result of collective bargaining will be.

If Mundo Verde cannot promise anything, how can we be assured that the school will take action on the issues and concerns we have brought up if we vote no?

Trust and a long-history of being an employee-oriented academic institution. Under the law, we cannot make any promises or changes now, but we have been listening to you very intently and noting the concerns and issues which you have brought-up. Look at our track record which includes:

  • Direct collaboration on pay scale and pay increases for beginning teachers

  • Direct collaboration on health care premium payments

  • Direct collaboration on leave policy

  • Direct collaboration on planning and free periods for teachers each month

  • Established forms of obtaining feedback and input into decisions, including a Staff Council

Our history of trust and emphasis on being an employee-oriented School means we are listening, we will continue to listen, and we want to work through your concerns directly with you.

Is respect something that may be negotiated in a contract?

Mundo Verde is an employee-oriented school, and we believe in treating employees with honesty and respect. This is not a goal – it is requirement. With or without a contract in place, we expect our supervisors and managers to treat you with respect and we expect the same in return.

What if I already signed a union authorization form or promised to vote for the union?

The authorization card was used as a “Showing of interest” with the NLRB to set up the election. All eligible voters have the right to vote any way they want on election day. The vote will be by secret ballot, meaning that no one will know how you voted. The National Labor Relations Act protects you from changing your mind even if you signed an authorization form.

What if I do not vote on election day?

If you do not cast a vote, you will be forfeiting your right to participate in the election and your right to help control your own destiny. For example, if you do not wish to have a union or pay union dues, but you fail to vote, you will be letting other people make that decision for you. If you do not vote, then the number of votes needed for the union petition to pass or fail will be reduced. Like a presidential election, the result of the election is based on the number of people who vote. For example, if there are 100 eligible voters, but only 20 vote in the election, 11 people will decide that the entire 100 will pay dues and be represented by the union even if they don’t want it.

Details on the Ballot and Vote(s)

From the National Labor Relations Board “Notice of Election” —

PURPOSE OF ELECTION: This election is to determine the representative, if any, desired by the eligible employees for purposes of collective bargaining with their employer. A majority of the valid ballots cast will determine the results of the election. Only one valid representation election may be held in a 12-month period.

Voting, Group A: Two questions shall appear on the ballot of the professional employees in Group A:

  1. Do you wish to be included with nonprofessional employees in a unit for the purposes of collective bargaining? The choices on the ballot will be "Yes” or "No".

  2. Do you wish to be represented for purposes of collective bargaining by DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ALLIANCE OF CHARTER TEACHERS AND STAFF, LOCAL 1927, AFT, AFL-CIO? The choices on the ballot will be "Yes” or "No”.

Voting Group B: The question on the ballot for the non-professional employees in Group B will be:

  • Do you wish to be represented for purposes of collective-bargaining by DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ALLIANCE OF CHARTER TEACHERS AND STAFF, LOCAL 1927, AFT, AFL-ClO? The choices on the ballot will be "Yes" or "No”.

If a majority of the professional employees voting in Unit A vote "Yes" to the first question, indicating their desire to be included in a unit with nonprofessional employees, they will be so included, and their votes on the second question will be counted together with the votes of the nonprofessional employees in Unit B to decide the question concerning representation for the overall unit consisting of the employees in Units A and B. If on the other hand, a majority of the professional employees voting in Unit A do not vote "Yes" to the first qUestion, their ballots will be counted separately to decide the question concerning representation in a separate Unit A.

Possible outcomes:

  • Group A votes YES to including Group B in the bargaining unit and more than 50% of all voters vote YES for AFT representation = AFT will represent all employees from Group A and Group B for purposes of bargaining and they will negotiate terms to cover all employees.

  • Group A votes YES to including Group B in the bargaining unit and less than 50% of all voters vote YES for AFT representation = AFT will not represent any employees for purposes of bargaining

  • Groups A votes NO to including Group B in the bargaining unit so Group A and Group B’s votes are counted separately

    • More than 50% of Group A votes YES for the Union and more than 50% of Group B votes YES for AFT representation = AFT represents both Group A and Group B for purposes of bargaining and they will negotiate terms for each group separately

    • More than 50% of Group A votes YES for the Union but less than 50% of Group B votes YES for AFT representation = AFT represents only Group A

    • Less than 50% of Group A votes YES for AFT representation and more than 50% of Group B votes YES for AFT representation = AFT represents only Group B

    • Less than 50% of Group A votes YES for AFT representation and less than 50% of Group B votes YES for AFT representation = AFT will not represent any employees for purposes of bargaining

Voting Unit B: Employees Eligible to Vote

From the NLRB Notice of May 15 Election —


EMPLOYEES ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: All full-time and regular part-time Associate Teachers, Classroom Associates (before and after care), Dedicated Aides, Recess Assistants, Substitute Teachers/Support Staff, Classroom Assistants, Extended Day Staff, Kitchen Staff, Food Service, Receptionists, Project Associates, and Operations Associates employed by the Employer at its facility currently located at 30 P Street, NW, Washington, DC.

EMPLOYEES NOT ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: All professional employees, Facility Managers, Chefs, managerial employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act, and all other employees:

Others permitted to vote: The parties have agreed that Executive Coordinators may vote in the election but their ballots will be challenged since their eligibility has not been resolved. No decision has been made regarding whether the individuals in these classifications or groups are included in, or excluded from, the bargaining unit. The eligibility or inclusion of these individuals will be resolved, if necessary, following the election.

Voting Unit A: Employees Eligible to Vote

From the NLRB Notice of May 15 Election —


EMPLOYEES ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: All full-time and regular part-time professional employees, including Teachers, Lead Teachers, Inclusion Teachers, Fellow Teachers, Intervention Teachers, Long-Term Substitute Teachers, Special Educators, Bilingual Teaching Fellows, Instructional Coaches in Residence, Student and Family Support Coordinators, Restorative Practice Coordinators, Restorative Practice Assistants, Psychologists, Special Ed Teaching Fellows, Social Workers, Speech and Language Pathologists, Directors of Data in Residence, Data and Assessment Coordinators, School Garden Coordinators, Recess Coordinators, Before Care Coordinators, Executive Coordinators, Nutritionists, and Nurses employed by the Employer at its facility currently located at 30 P Street, NW, Washington, DC who were employed by the Employer during the payroll period ending April 30, 2019.

EMPLOYEES NOT ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: Associate Teachers, Classroom Associates (before and after care), Dedicated Aides, Recess Assistants, Substitute Teachers/Support Staff, Classroom Assistants, Extended Day Staff, Kitchen Staff, Facility Managers, Food Service, Chefs, Receptionists, Project Associates, Operations Associates, all other managerial employees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act, and all other employees.

Others permitted to vote: The parties have agreed that Executive Coordinators may vote in the election but their ballots will be challenged since their eligibility has not been resolved. No decision has been made regarding whether the individuals in these classifications or groups are included in, or excluded from, the bargaining unit. The eligibility or inclusion of these individuals will be resolved, if necessary, following the election.

AFT Election Set for May 15

The National Labor Relations Board has set May 15 as the date for eligible employees to determine if AFT representation is desired for purposes of collective bargaining with Mundo Verde as their employer. A majority of the valid ballots cast will determine the results of the election.

The election will be by SECRET ballot under the supervision of the Regional Director of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). A notice of election and the list of eligible employees will be posted later this week

Voters will be allowed to vote without interference, restraint, or coercion.

Vote on Wednesday, May 15th

Mundo Verde wants to ensure you have the information you need to make an informed decision in the upcoming union election. We strongly encourage everyone eligible to vote in the election to do so. This decision is too important to leave in the hands of someone else.