Details on the Ballot and Vote(s)

From the National Labor Relations Board “Notice of Election” —

PURPOSE OF ELECTION: This election is to determine the representative, if any, desired by the eligible employees for purposes of collective bargaining with their employer. A majority of the valid ballots cast will determine the results of the election. Only one valid representation election may be held in a 12-month period.

Voting, Group A: Two questions shall appear on the ballot of the professional employees in Group A:

  1. Do you wish to be included with nonprofessional employees in a unit for the purposes of collective bargaining? The choices on the ballot will be "Yes” or "No".

  2. Do you wish to be represented for purposes of collective bargaining by DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ALLIANCE OF CHARTER TEACHERS AND STAFF, LOCAL 1927, AFT, AFL-CIO? The choices on the ballot will be "Yes” or "No”.

Voting Group B: The question on the ballot for the non-professional employees in Group B will be:

  • Do you wish to be represented for purposes of collective-bargaining by DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ALLIANCE OF CHARTER TEACHERS AND STAFF, LOCAL 1927, AFT, AFL-ClO? The choices on the ballot will be "Yes" or "No”.

If a majority of the professional employees voting in Unit A vote "Yes" to the first question, indicating their desire to be included in a unit with nonprofessional employees, they will be so included, and their votes on the second question will be counted together with the votes of the nonprofessional employees in Unit B to decide the question concerning representation for the overall unit consisting of the employees in Units A and B. If on the other hand, a majority of the professional employees voting in Unit A do not vote "Yes" to the first qUestion, their ballots will be counted separately to decide the question concerning representation in a separate Unit A.

Possible outcomes:

  • Group A votes YES to including Group B in the bargaining unit and more than 50% of all voters vote YES for AFT representation = AFT will represent all employees from Group A and Group B for purposes of bargaining and they will negotiate terms to cover all employees.

  • Group A votes YES to including Group B in the bargaining unit and less than 50% of all voters vote YES for AFT representation = AFT will not represent any employees for purposes of bargaining

  • Groups A votes NO to including Group B in the bargaining unit so Group A and Group B’s votes are counted separately

    • More than 50% of Group A votes YES for the Union and more than 50% of Group B votes YES for AFT representation = AFT represents both Group A and Group B for purposes of bargaining and they will negotiate terms for each group separately

    • More than 50% of Group A votes YES for the Union but less than 50% of Group B votes YES for AFT representation = AFT represents only Group A

    • Less than 50% of Group A votes YES for AFT representation and more than 50% of Group B votes YES for AFT representation = AFT represents only Group B

    • Less than 50% of Group A votes YES for AFT representation and less than 50% of Group B votes YES for AFT representation = AFT will not represent any employees for purposes of bargaining