Questions and Answers: Intermediaries and Negotiations

What specifically are intermediaries and how does the representation by intermediaries affect negotiations between staff and the school administration?

On Intermediaries: If a union is voted in, Mundo Verde staff members will be represented by a single person or at most a small group that works to represent the interest of staff for most issues involving terms and conditions of employment.

  • Individual staff will no longer be able to speak for themselves or to use their own voice.

  • Staff will pay dues to support the work of the person representing their interest.

  • Staff currently have a voice at Mundo Verde; school leaders and staff have worked together to solve some of our school’s most pressing challenges together. [insert three examples here]

On Negotiations: When it comes to negotiations, there are no guarantees.

  • Once the contract negotiations begin, everything, including current wages, benefits and other terms of employment, are on the table.

  • The law does require Mundo Verde and the AFT to bargain in good faith and try to reach an agreement.

  • The law does not require Mundo Verde and the union to agree or that negotiations end with a signed contract.

  • When negotiations start, both sides start with a clean slate, so: Pay & Benefits - Could go up, Could remain the same, Could go down.

  • Mundo Verde would bargain in good faith, but would not agree to any union demand would hurt our non-profit public charter school and the students and families we serve. The law gives Mundo Verde the right to say, “No.”

Vote on Wednesday, May 15th: Mundo Verde wants to ensure you have the information you need to make an informed decision in the upcoming union election. We strongly encourage everyone eligible to vote in the election to do so. This decision is too important to leave in the hands of someone else.